
Morapedi Makhaketsa's bio

Morapedi Makhaketsa is a South African Jazz musician, Alto Saxophonist, Arranger, composer, Performer and song writer. Born 03 June 1997, Gauteng, South Africa. Studied music at the Gauteng Music Academy. With jazz alto saxophone as his expertise. He is a young but talented and phenomenal saxophonist and prides himself in being true to his musical thoughts and he believes that jazz music is but a competition and everyone's talent and emotions contributes to the jazz genre.The artist also created a blog just to motivate jazz musicians all around the world.

Morapedi Makhaketsa

You should know that it's hard out there. The bridge to success is ridged. Welcome to a world where you don't need to be good or best at what you do to make it. It's about who you know or how much you hav. Meaning the odds of success are small to non-existent for the disadvantaged, but that one moment you get your breakthrough capitalise on it, you will become a legend. SO NEVER GIVE UP. #🎷azzon #theprotagonist

Morapedi Makhaketsa

You have the potential to do anything you set your mind to. I have failed so many times in my life and each time was even harder than the last so it really doesn't matter how much you fail but it's the comebacks that matter. my question is, what do you do after you've failed? Do you go and hide under your bed? Yep that's how I felt after I failed to do 2 cycles of Coltrane's giant steps! But I say you grab your horn and start practicing and do it 5× more. That's how you turn your failures to victory. #🎷azzon #theprotagonist